
The match() function is a core API for performing regex-based matching. It takes an input string and matches it against a precompiled regex represented as an NFA. The function handles matching mechanics, including state transitions, greedy and lazy quantifiers, and group captures.


public func match(text: Text): Result.Result<Match, RegexError>


textTextThe input string to be matched against the compiled regex.

Return Value

Result.Result<Match, RegexError>:

  • On Success (Match):
    • Contains details of the match, such as the matched substring, captured groups, and spans.
  • On Failure (RegexError):
    • Indicates why the matching process failed (e.g., regex not compiled).


  1. Input Validation:

    • Checks if the regex has been compiled.
    • Returns #NotCompiled error if the regex is unavailable.
  2. Matching Process:

    • Delegates the actual matching logic to the matcher.match function.
    • Traverses the NFA based on input characters.
    • Respects greedy and lazy quantifier modes.
    • Handles capture groups and anchors (e.g., ^, $).
  3. Result Construction:

    • Builds a Match object for successful matches.
    • Returns RegexError for failures.

Example Usage

1. Successful Match

let pattern = Regex.Regex("h.*o",null); 
let result = pattern.match("hello");

switch (result) {
  case (#ok(match)) {
    Debug.print("Matched value: " # match.value);
  case (#err(error)) {
    Debug.print("Error: " # debug_show(error));


Matched value: hello

2. No Match

let pattern = Regex.Regex("z+",null);
let result = pattern.match("hello");

switch (result) {
  case (#ok(match)) {
    Debug.print("Matched value: " # match.value);
  case (#err(error)) {
    Debug.print("Error: " # debug_show(error));


#ok: status = #NoMatch

Input Validation

  • Before matching, the function ensures the regex is compiled.

  • If nfa is null, the function returns:


Delegation to matcher.match

  • The compiled NFA, input text, and optional flags are passed to matcher.match.
  • matcher.match performs:
    • State Transitions:
      • Moves between states in the NFA based on input characters.
    • Greedy and Lazy Quantifiers:
      • Greedy quantifiers consume as much input as possible.
      • Lazy quantifiers stop at the first valid match.
    • Capture Groups:
      • Tracks and extracts group matches.
    • Anchors:
      • Ensures patterns anchored to the start (^) or end ($) are respected.