
The search() function scans an input string for the first occurrence of the regex pattern. Unlike match(), which requires the pattern to span the entire input, search() identifies the first substring that satisfies the pattern.


public func search(text: Text): Result.Result<Match, RegexError>


textTextThe input string to search for the first match

Return Value

Type: Result.Result<Match, RegexError>

Success Case

Returns a Match object containing:

  • The matched substring (value)
  • The position of the match within the input string
  • Captured groups (if any)

No Match Case

Returns a Match object with:

  • status = #NoMatch
  • Empty value

Error Case

Returns RegexError (#NotCompiled) only if the pattern failed to compile during instantiation


Input Validation

  • If the regex instantiation failed (due to an invalid pattern), returns RegexError (#NotCompiled)

Search Process

  1. Scans the input string character by character
  2. Identifies if a potential match could begin at the current position
  3. Delegates to match() for full matching starting from that position

Result Construction

  • On finding a match:
    • Returns a Match object with details of the match
  • If no match is found after scanning the string:
    • Returns a Match object with status = #NoMatch

Example Usage

1. Successful Match

Pattern: "a+" Input: "xxaaayy"

let pattern = Regex.Regex("a+", null);
let result = pattern.search("xxaaayy");
switch (result) {
    case (#ok(match)) Debug.print("First match: " # match.value);  // Output: "aaa"
    case (#err(error)) Debug.print("Error: " # debug_show(error));


First match: aaa

2. No Match Found

Pattern: "z+" Input: "xxaaaayy"

let pattern = Regex.Regex("z+", null);
let result = pattern.search("xxaaaayy");
switch (result) {
    case (#ok(match)) {
        switch (match.status) {
            case (#NoMatch) Debug.print("No match found.");
            case (#FullMatch) Debug.print("First match: " # match.value);
    case (#err(error)) Debug.print("Error: " # debug_show(error));


No match found.

3. Invalid Pattern

Scenario: Creating a regex with an invalid pattern

let pattern = Regex.Regex("[a-");
let result = pattern.search("xxaaaayy");
switch (result) {
    case (#ok(match)) Debug.print("First match: " # match.value);
    case (#err(error)) Debug.print("Error: " # debug_show(error)); // Output: #NotCompiled


Error: #NotCompiled