
The findAll() method returns an array of all non-overlapping matches of the regex pattern in the input text. Unlike findIter(), this method collects all matches at once into an array.


public func findAll(text: Text): Result.Result<[Match], RegexError>


textTextThe input string to search for matches

Return Value

Type: Result.Result<[Match], RegexError>

Success Case

Returns an array of Match objects, where each contains:

  • The matched substring (value)
  • The position of the match within the input string
  • Any captured groups
  • Match status (#FullMatch)

Error Case

Returns RegexError (#NotCompiled) if the pattern failed to compile during instantiation

Match Collection Process

  1. Starts from the beginning of the input string
  2. Collects all non-overlapping matches into an array
  3. Preserves the order of matches as they appear in the text
  4. Returns an empty array if no matches are found